Edit this page on Github

How to contribute to the NavCoin Knowledge Base

Proofread articles and give feedback

If you find any mistakes you can either give feedback by making an issue report on the github repo or reaching out on the NavCoin discord.

To make an issue report, visit this link.

Visit the NavCoin discord here: https://discord.gg/y4Vu9jw

How to edit an article

To edit an article click the “Edit this page on Github” link that is at the top of every article page. This will take you to Github where you can make the edits to the article and submit them as a Pull Request. Articles are written in Markdown.

How to create an article

  • Visit https://github.com/NAVCoin/KnowledgeBase and fork the repository.
  • Next clone it locally using Git
  • Create your new file in the appropriate directory. For example if it’s about the NavCoin Core wallet software, it will go in the the /content/NavCoin Core folder. If it’s an article that applies to multiple pieces of software the Technical Support folder is probably the best place for it.
  • Commit your file and push it to Github and create a pull request to the KnowledgeBase repo.

Once reviwed by the community, and any feedback has been taken care of, your pull request will be merged and be the article will be live shortly after that.

Translating articles

Coming soon.